14. Endo-work balance
Endo makes life really tough sometimes. Especially as a young lady who just started her professional career. Having endometriosis is already a challenge, but to keep on going while in extreme pain is more than a challenge. Trying not to let it control and influence your whole life, cause that’s what it feels like to me.
Work is the only place where I am constantly distracted from my own mind. I think a lot and there’s always a lot going on in my life, but when I’m at work everything just fades for a bit. I love my job. I have the best colleagues a person could ever wish for, the most understanding boss and I have a passion for what I do. Everyone is aware of my situation.
I was completely transparent
During the first interview I had with my boss, I was completely transparent about having a chronic illness. Luckily my boss is a she, which makes it a bit easier to describe and for her to understand. I told her that everything is fine, but that it can happen that I won’t be able to do my job on some days because of the pain. I obviously felt so relieved when this was her reaction, but still didn’t tell her the first 3 times I was in pain. I think because I felt like I had to prove myself to her.
I’ve been working at MAYFORCE for over a year now and there were days that I wasn’t able to work at all. I hate those days and I always try to still do something. I guess I am a little dishonest at work about my condition sometimes because I just want to do things right. Show them that I really love my job. Which means I downplay it sometimes. I tell everyone that it’s just annoying, that I’ll be fine within a day and that it’s nothing to worry about.. While I am actually crying my eyeballs out, throwing up because the pain is too heavy and can’t even walk anymore since it radiates to my upper leg.
I don’t want to be influenced or controlled by a disease
Stupid isn’t it? Because I make things much more complicated for myself by not telling the complete truth. My sign is a leo, so I am mighty proud, but that’s making it even harder. I am too proud to admit that I am not able to do something by myself. I like to be independent, doing my work and just do whatever I want to do. I don’t want to be influenced or controlled by a disease. It really feels like it’s just telling me what I can and can’t do and I hate that. I decide on that.
Yeah, yeah, whatever tough bitch. That’s what I am thinking to myself, because this reasoning is so stupid. I don’t need to stay strong all the time, pretend everything’s fine. No, I actually need to listen to my body, give it the rest it needs because it’s in full fight mode. Always. On the contrary, I just don’t want my boss or my colleagues to think that I’m lacking in my work. It’s hard.
So, note to self: be honest and take care of YOU!

One Comment
Beautiful. Het is oké. Om je niet oké te voelen. En al helemaal met wat je meedraagt. Deze verschrikkelijke pijnen die je moet doorstaan. JIJ bent belangrijk. Cijfer jezelf niet weg voor werk. Je hoeft je niet te bewijzen. Ik snap wat je zegt maar je moet dit horen: JIJ hoeft jezelf NIET te bewijzen. Je hebt jezelf al bewezen. Dit doe je al als je het kantoor binnenloopt. Je présence. Jij bent enough. Je blik Ur eyes je lach. Is al genoeg. We know enough. Volgende keer zeg mij aub eerlijk wat je voelt. Want je bent en wordt nog sterker als je zegt dat je je echt niet goed voelt. Door deze post ben je weer sterker geworden. ga zo door. (Oké, nu ga ik echt slapen:p) maar I FOLLOW Ur blog. Ik houd dit in de gaten. Zo leer ik je kennen en de ziekte begrijpen want ik kende het ook niet. Bring some awareness to us!!!